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Karen Cohen

Karen is an accomplished philanthropist with an unwavering dedication to community awareness and social responsibility. Karen Cohen continues to empower communities, elevating the standard of mental health care and igniting a profound impact on the world.

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My Experience

Karen Cohen is a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience as a Bilingual School-Based Therapist in Los Angeles. Throughout her career, she has been dedicated to providing comprehensive clinical, psychosocial, and mental health services to individuals, groups, and families. Her expertise extends to conducting assessments and evaluations, as well as offering psychotherapy and counseling tailored to meet the unique needs of her clients.

In her role, Karen has effectively collaborated with parents and school staff to develop and implement student treatment plans, ensuring a holistic approach to mental health care. Her deep understanding of governmental laws and regulations, including those concerning confidentiality rights of employees and clients, has been instrumental in maintaining ethical standards and fostering trust within the community.

Karen's commitment to professionalism is evident in her compliance with HIPAA laws, her diligence in reporting child abuse and neglect, and her adherence to related regulations. She upholds the highest ethical standards while consistently advocating for the well-being of her clients.

Recently, Karen has transitioned her expertise to the field of Clinical Trials, where she has excelled as an expert in study protocols and standard operating procedures. Her meticulous attention to detail, coupled with her exceptional problem-solving abilities, has made her an invaluable asset in overseeing various aspects of clinical trials.

As a dedicated clinical trial professional, Karen has a proven track record of meeting company goals through her organized and systematic approach. She is committed to ensuring the success of each trial she is involved in, utilizing her wealth of experience and expertise to contribute positively to the advancement of medical research.

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