
Lenward Bentley
Lenward Bentley serves as Chief Marketing Officer at Simple Innovations. He is also the founder, CEO and president of LX3 Holdings, a strategic economic development agency that cross-pollinates municipalities with innovative technologies. LX3 exists to create strategies and brand experiences that engage audiences, drive conversions and deliver meaningful results.
He has more than 20 years of advanced executive leadership experience, growing and building new sources of revenue. Previously, Lenward was a member of the chief executive staff of Infusion HF 70, a solutions-driven multi-functional corporation focused on innovation in agriculture, animals, children’s health, defense, education, medical, and nutrition, among others. Lenward has launched and helped grow many multi-million dollar business ventures including, but not limited to, ventures in the City of Atlanta, the State of Pennsylvania, Spokane Washington and Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas. His objective is to create and build solid relationships and the opportunity to continue to advance the various communities and business initiatives.
Lenward is an expert in developing creative collaborations involving multiple parties who collaborate for mutual interest. Examples of his collaborative ventures include Proctor & Gamble, Ford Motor Co., Mercedes-Benz Corp., and Anheuser-Bush, among others. Through his philanthropic efforts he has been instrumental in building an energy innovation trade school and providing many community essentials to ensure that impoverished and underserved communities are served by American industries. Lenward has extensive contacts in the professional sports world and has been remarkably successful in leading capital formation in the professional sports investor group. Lenward Bentley holds a Bachelor of Science .
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